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Easter Eggs! (V Fun) Ok so I knew I would end up doing summat here ok So here is the thing an Easter Egg is nothing new and is also usually associated with Star Wars now for any one who has no idea what an Easter egg is exactly, it is something you look for in a film that you typically wouldn't notice and although I don't have many now I will get more soon. If it has a TTT next to it it means its from The Two Towers and if it has a FOTR next to it it is from fellowship of the Ring so have fun and if need be these can always be used for drinking games. FOTR The Fans: Lij, Sean, Dom, Billay, and Christopher Lee are listed on the Extended DVD Fan Club credits FOTR & TTT The Hitchcock: PJ seems to be pulling an Alfred Hitchcock and appering in both films TTT he is a Spear Thrower and a Wildman in FOTR he is Albert Dreary TTT The Ring(hehe): Ok so Aragorn's ring always stays on the same finger but changes hands several times over the course of the film (form Rach and Han) TTT The Fighter: Arwen is at the battle Helms Deep you have to look V close and I couldnt really tell ya where but I tell ya she is there TTT The Boggin: When Aragorn and Theoden are arguing and Aragorn says 'Gondor will come' there's this little boggins and his/her sister or mom or summat playing patty cake (from Rach and Han) TTT The Heads: Okay, do you remember all the little Celtic looking twirly things at Rohan? In Edoras? Well, the all had little horsey heads at the top (from Rach and Han) TTT The Voice: Did everyone know that John R. Davis did the Voice of Treebeard (I dunno some one might not know that) TTT The Het: John R. Davis hits his orcs in a rather uncomfy area (wink wink) when on the wall during the atac of Helms Deep TTT The Bog: there is a huge shot of a bog about half way through the movie and when they pan up look in the bottom center/left of the screen and you will see two little hobbits and a Smeagol. TTT The Eyes: when Legolas in arguing with Arigorn about 300 to 3,000 before the battle of Helms Deep you can clearly see that he dose not have his blue contacts in. TTT The Trip: at the start of the movie they pan out to a Horizon shot of Gimli, Legolas, and Arigorn. Look careful and pay close attention you can see Orlando (I say Orlando because I don't think Legolas would do this) he stumbles it's a bit odd and kind of funny TTT The Ears: You can see that Arwin has peirced ears when she is snogging Arigorn it looks a bit odd with the pointy ears FOTR The Hair: Boromir has Skin in his hair this is seen in the scene when he is dying, quite odd also a bit disturbing. FOTR The Band: During the Big Hobbit Shindig for Bilbos b-day Pippin plays in the band, what is it that he plays well in the words of Billy "A hobbit ukulele or something." FOTR The Difference: When Frodo and Gandalf are ridding together through Hobbiton you can see the use of Forced Perspective (this means that they use a trick to fool the eye by putting one thing, in this case Lij, farther back in a shoot from something else, Ian M., in order to make it appear smaller) You are able to see that the wagon is uneven slightly odd looking. FOTR The Pooh: When frighting with Boromir the Bean hits Pips hand and Billy boyd clearly mouthes the word "Sh*t" then when the Bean falls down you can see a half eated Merry apple go flying. FOTR The found religion: After trying to open the entrece to the mines of moria for some time Gandalf gives up and tosses his staff on ground and clearly says "Jesus" the DVD says that the line is "Oh it's useless" but you would have to be smokeing a lot of hobbit weed for them two to sound anything alike. FOTR The Spot: If you look at the river scene you can clearly see thet PJ has picked a bad day for close ups of Lij as he has a rather visable spot right next to his mouth. Not that I'm looking mind you. have found some one with a V fun site she points out the not so obvious as well Go See You may have seen my avid campaign to rid the world of Clove Cigarettes but if you havent follow these links: STOP THE CLOVE SMOKING!!! We Dont Want Lij To Die! A Warning Of Clove Cigarettes |
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