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You may have seen my avid campaign to rid the world of Clove Cigarettes but if you havent follow these links: STOP THE CLOVE SMOKING!!! We Dont Want Lij To Die! A Warning Of Clove Cigarettes You are currently looking at the new layout I am working on right now, if it happens to also be the layout posted on the rest of the site then one of three things has happened 1)I am feeling super lazy and I haven’t written and or designed a new layout yet (this is the most likely) 2) I just posted the new layout and I haven’t had time to do a new one yet (in that case LAY OFF I’m working as fast as I can) or 3) I really like the current layout and don’t feel like doing a new one till I get sick of it (this is rare as when it comes to layouts I bore easily) If you scroll down you will be able to see all my old layouts (or at least the head graphic) if you have been a regular visiter to the site and you don’t recognize one of the layouts that’s probably because it was only up for like a day (told ya I get bored) Here are the stats on the new layout Name: The LOTR Layout Layout Number: 6 Background Colour: Some off white colour I invented Font Colour: Peru Link Colour: Orange Visited Link Colour: Dark Orange Layout #5 What can I say other then WOOHOO Pirates Arr... Layout #4 I like this Layout it's very easter egg ish and I think I might be getting this faid thing right finaly. Although my cut out of Dom could have been better Layout #3 This layout was artsy but a little colourless infact it had no colour at all this was when the site went black and white. The text under the site name says "Like Butter On A Bald Monkey" Layout #2 This is the layout that has stayed up the longest thus far I really liked it was it had yellow (Yay) as it's major tone. It was made for spring and it gave the site new life. Layout #1 This was my first attempt at a layout and although it didn't parp it entirely I didn't keep it up to long as it was a bit to dark for spring. |