*Pictures>> I+II+III+IV *Bios>> Orli+ Dom+ Lij *Madness>>The Official Tig Game Rule Book+ Funny Pictures+ Quizzes and More Random Fun+ Easter Eggs+ The Pudding Club (music) *Linking>>Link Me+ My Linky Winkys *Randomness>>Gibberish+ Contact Page and Disclaimer *Layouts>>Future, Past and Present layouts *Home>>Brgo *Sign This!>>The Guest Book!+

Ok So This has Obviously changed!
Ok So the other day I was watchin telly and after the Trading Spaces (this is on the US telly as it is called Changing Rooms back home) Well after the Shows the Sadie Show was supposed to be on well What do you know it wasnt thank goodness So this area is going to be for me to post my codes and wot have you that way I can give you more choice and free up room on the other page! :)

How To Use!
Download the image to yuor hard drive then Link back to http://wicked.as.brego
Thanks guys!
Dont Like any of them? Well I will make you one then!
As I am really board and don't have much else to do I am offering to take your fav photo and make it into a code. I really want you to link me.

The Rules

1. Pick a photo that has summat to do with the site like one of the boys or apples or a big bowl of Pudding, Pants, A Bean I don't care even an Easter Egg!
2. Dont send photos of random things like a pickel (however that could be funny) or NSYNC as neither have anything to do with nothing.
3. You have to Link back to this site however I don't know why you wouldn't
4. If you want summat writen on it Ill do it just keep it sort of clean or rather as clean as I keep the site I don't want to offend anyone right off

This costom button will be great as you can have it be your own personal thing I wont post it on the page unless you want me to So Why not provide Jo with some amusement. Send It On!<- Click here to Send Um!



”100x50” 100x50 100x50 100x50 100x50 100x50 100x50 100x50 100x50 100x50


100x35 100x35

100x35 100x35

100x35 100x35

100x35 100x35


Most codes are 100x50 I've not yet gone in to other sizes as Jo is a lazy bum! (haha I said bum, sorry 5 year old momment. ahem, Im better now)

Just got some new sizes however the before metioned about my bum is still true as there is no organization as yet (I know OCD girl not organized its a tragady)

Look I organized YAY! still working on more Dom and Lij 100x35s and thinking of doing some banners humm...

Just One last thing We Would Like to Say!


In the immortal words of Lij:
"I have one thing to say about that ::BUUUUURP::"

You may have seen my avid campaign to rid the world of Clove Cigarettes but if you havent follow these links:


We Dont Want Lij To Die! A Warning Of Clove Cigarettes


Cheers For Linking Me Bless!