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Other Ramdom Stuff that makes me laugh... Frodo the Angsty Hobbit. By Katu Go To: Quotes nick names Orlando Elijah Dominic Billy Sean Sean Bean German Mess TTT Abridged Songs Silly Articles Games Quizzes Quizzes We Have Made Adopt A... Felt this needed to be at the Top for my own sake Get Your own Pirate Name Muahahaha Im Captain Bess Bonney (hehehehe) You all think Im mad dont you If you nick anything from here I don't care just link me on the same page and Tell me so I can visit! Cheers ~Jo The ring must go to Mordor Mr. Anderson. I had two heart attacks an abortion and I did crack while I was pregnant. - Amelie I have just one thing to say about that ::Buuuuurppp:: - Lij Leggy - ahhh Lembis, elvish way bread one small bite will fill the stomac of a grown man. Merry - How many did you have? Pip - Four. Pfff (fart noise) (I think that this scene was billays Idea cant you see it - PeJay I thiank wee ned to do a faart jook abot now. - hehe ~Jo) I'm here thinkin about all kinds of slap and tickel, and all you can dream about is bloody Duwaaan. - Little Voice And Im tired of it, Im tired of all of it, but I dont seem to ever get tired of you. - John Cusak (sp?) in High Fidelity J: Remember when we found out what a fag was? T: Youre a fag! J: No remember a fag is a cigarette! T: Youre a cigarette! -Clerks the cartoon (snooch to the nooch and snoochie boochies) Cliquez ici - from every French site in history Jerith: Hoggle if she kisses you i will make you a prince Hoggle: you will Jerith: yeah prince of eternal stench - The Labyrinth As you Wish. - Westly from the Princess Bride (*sigh*) Mr. Lunt: I think you look like Captin Crunch Pa: No I dont Mr. Lunt: Do to Pa: Do not Mr. Lunt: You are making me hungery Pa: Thats it your walking the plank Mr. Lunt: Oh yeah says who Pa: Says the Capin thats who Mr. Lunt: Oh yeah, Ay Ay Captin Crunch - The Pirates Who dont Do Anything from Veggie Tales Data: I'm going to set some booty traps Mikey: You mean Booby traps Data: Thats what I said booby traps - Goonies hehehehe I wasn't laughing I was just grinning....loudly - Dick Button (a ice skating commentator, they all lose their minds eventually) Orlando: Orli (this one seems to have been made up online I dunno Liv called him that) OB Bloomie Leggolassy Leggylulu (I like that one) Pointy-eared-bow-twanger (that one came from Orli himself) The Blond one with the Bow Leggylando (made up and Used exclusivly by my mates and I) Legola lega.. oh nevermind The Elf Leggless (was in an unfortunit tractor accedent from Lord of the Carharts writen by Jo ;)) Southern Softie (wot The Bean calls him) Pants (this is what Han and I call him Don't ask) Poncy Pants (same as above) Man Postatute / Man Hoe (based on his character from Midsomer Murders) Elfy Boy (what the Viggo and the Bean called him) Mr. Cheekbones (billy called him this I thought it were funnay) Elijah: Lij Eli Monkey (not to be confuzzled with minkey/Dom) Elwood Fozzie Made Up and Used Exclusivly By My mates and Me: King Of the Midgets *ich bin die Zwergekonigin. sie mein Konig wird sind?* Frodo The Incredibly Cute Frojah or Froijah(made up and Used exclusivly by my mates and I) The Cute One Dominic: Dom Mount Dom The Gayest Hobbit of them all (this is from the Books Tolkien said it Not Jo :)) MerryaDom "I fully intend to" ~Rach (this one made up and used exclusively by my mates and me) The Minkey (not to be confuzzled with the Monkey/lij) ADHD Boy THE SPAZ Sblomie (don't ask did however find out this is what Orli calls him hummm) Billy: Billay Billy Boy That One Pervy (this can also be applyed to the others) BeeBee or when we feel nutty PeePee Tinas Pilly (made up and used exclusivly by my mates and me) Sean: Seanny Sammy Seanwise (made up and Used exclusivly by my mates and I) The Babbling brook (what I had to think of summat to discribe the babbling) Albuterol Addict Sean Bean: The Bean Skeward the Bean King of the Heinz castle (Santa looked on) Satins Spawn Satin Incarnate The source of All Evil (shares this title with Sadie) ::shudder:: Northen Bastard (wot Orli calls him) The Lagume (lets hope you all understand this) Dirty Human (also used by Orli when refering to Viggo) **Unfortunitly we (Han Jo and Rach) take credit for most of these some on the other hand some have been nicked off jokes from One Spoof cheers for letting us use them.** ich bin die Zwergekonigin. sie mein Konig wird sind? Ich habe einen penguin genannt Melvin Lijs theam song in German Hollywood Fuhrt Punkt com Hollywood Punkt com Theater Theater Listen Schau Zeiten und Interviews Hollywood Punkt com dum dum Auf this may soon change to Danish Dutch or cockney as I see fit (really it's whatever I find amusing) ;) Jo Scene 1 Frodo: Darn! I still have this darned ring that I got in the first movie! Samwise: The ring with the terrible power that causes everyone who comes near it to overact? Frodo: Yes! And to destroy it, we must walk, slowly, in real time, all the way across New Zealand! Samwise: But who will guide us? Frodo: How about a reptilian computer- generated creature with a bad comb-over? Samwise: Dick Cheney's in this movie? Gollum: Very funny, Hobbit- breath. Scene 2 Lord Aragorn: Well, my two trusty companions - Legolas, the Strangely Tall Elf, and Gimli, the Comic Relief Dwarf - in our subplot, we are pursuing Merry and Pippin, who have been captured by Orcs, and now we find ourselves in the Kingdom of Rohan, ruled by King Theoden, whose daughter, Eowyn, will become my second love interest once the king is released from the spell cast by his trusted counselor, Grima Wormtongue, who is secretly in league with the evil wizard Saruman! Legolas: I have no idea what you're talking about. Lord Aragorn: Me either. I'm just reading the script. Gimli: Well, I'm really short! (Laughter) Lord Aragorn: But enough explanatory dialogue. It's time for one of the estimated 17 big sword-clanging battles we have in this movie with hideous computer-generated monsters who always outnumber us by the thousands, although we defeat them every time, because we are courageous heroes! Legolas: Also, they have the hand-to- hand-combat skills of alfalfa. Monsters: Arrrrrr. Swords: CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Scene 3 Merry: Well, Pippin, we escaped the Orcs, and now we are being carried around by talking trees! Pippin: Apparently, the audience will swallow anything! Tree: It gets worse! Later on, we engage in branch-to-hand combat! Scene 4 Monsters: Arrrrrr. Swords: CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! Scene 5 Frodo: How come, if I'm the protagonist, Lord Aragorn has TWO love interests, and I'm stuck in a subplot with Dick Cheney? Gollum: Maybe it's because your big hairy feet make you look like you're wearing a pair of dead weasels. Scene 6 Lord Aragorn: Well, Legolas and Gimli, with the help of Gandalf the White, formerly Gandalf the Gray, also known as Gandalf the Beige, we have defeated the Uruk-hai in a giant computer-generated battle. Now we must make haste to the Really Big Rock of Karambador before the forces of Ba'Zoot, led by the evil King Weltpimple, conquer the Mullions of Gneep and obtain the Remote Control Unit of Doom! Legolas: Now you're just making stuff up. Lord Aragorn: Well, it's not as stupid as the kung fu trees. Gimli: I'm still short! (Laughter) Scene 7 Frodo: UH-oh! The movie is over, and I still have this darned ring! Do you realize what that means? Samwise: That "Weasel Feet" would be a good name for a rock band? Frodo: Yes, as would "Kung Fu Trees" and "Combat Alfalfa." But my point is that the forces of Evil have been let loose upon the land, which means soon there will be... Samwise: No! Not that! Frodo: Yes. Another sequel. Monsters: Arrrrrr. found on www.newsday.com You may have seen this posted on Orlando Bloom Files YAY! The Lord of the Rings Jingle Bells from Jo This was not written by me But I fancy you lot would like it. Cheers to Han and Rach! Merrys in the kitchen, Gimli's in the hall. the ballrog is upstairs burning down the walls. Lurtz is nearly dead, the carpets turning red. It's cause he was stalking Frodo so Sam chopped off his head. Jingle Bells moria smells striders still not king. oh what fun it would be if Denathor had the one ring. oh jingle roast sarumans toast, pippin likes to eat. I wonder how much time is left till this song is complete. gollums in the basement, saurons taking over the world. Legolas is screaming help I'm being chased by screaming fan girls. Pippin ate all the turkey, Ev'ryone is angry and now he's washing dishes for being a bad boy. jingle jive gandalf's alive Elrond has cool eyebrows. bombadil was an idiot but no one cared anyhow. oh jingle jime i cant quite rhyme ents are very slow. Bill the pony is a horse and Boromir .. uh.. is dead I told you i can't rhyme. Dobby looks like Putin Pirates left high and dry Get Orli Wet (LOTR hang man) A V silly Celebes under cover test Orli Slot Machine |
Quizzes Smaug - The great dragon who lives in the Lonely Mountain. Years ago, Smaug heard of the treasure that the dwarves had amassed in the mountain under Thror's reign, and he drove them away to claim the gold for himself. His flaming breath can scorch a city, his huge wings can carry him great distances, and his armorlike hide is almost impenetrable. Smaug can speak and possesses a dark, sardonic sense of humor. Which character from 'The Hobbit' are you ? brought to you by Quizilla Which VSD fellowship member are you? this quiz was made by belle I am... Which Fellowship Actor are YOU? I fancy Elves. The only one that will ever look good in tights. Oh yea. Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy? By Hannah and Dani
LOTR - Which Helm's deep Soldier are you? brought to you by Quizilla What amusing cast moment from FotR: The Extended Edition DVD are you? brought to you by Quizilla What Lord of the Rings Female are you? brought to you by Quizilla Which Lord of the Rings Character's Eyes do you have? brought to you by Quizilla Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate? brought to you by Quizilla Which Lord of the Rings Character Do You Fancy? brought to you by Quizilla who's your male wench? this quiz by belle Which LotR male cast member do you sound like? brought to you by Quizilla Which LotR cast member do you sound like? The stereotypical, pointless, probably inacurate version brought to you by QuizillaFrills! And more frills! I'm going frill crazy! WOOT! Lookit! FRILLS! *runs into wall*
You're a Niphredel flower. Which Middle Earth flower are you? brought to you by Quizilla You are the Clever and Sensible hobbit lass of Long Cleeve, the best in the shire at playin' yo' violin. "She was born 1395 in Long Cleeve of the four farthings. She married Pippin Took at the age of 32 and he 37, and bore him a son: FarimirI of the shire." Which hobbit-lass are you? brought to you by Quizillahahahaha merry Pip hahaha (never gonna happen) Congratulations! Your companion is Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood. It seems you hang out with a fairly noble crowd these days. ;) Whos companion are you? brought to you by Quizilla You think you're deep, tortured and misunderstood. You're not, you're just incoherent and a bit silly. Now you know. What Lord of the Rings engrish subtitle are you? brought to you by Quizilla Congratulations! You don't even exist in movieverse! The Powers That Be decided to scrap you in favor of some stupid girl -- or maybe you just look hot in drag. Either way, this could be a blessing in disguise -- at least your coolness in bookverse remains untarnished. True Tolkien fans know you kick ass, so who cares what the general public thinks? Which oft-overlooked LotR character are you? brought to you by QuizillaYAY other then Smaug and Smeagol one of my fav characters when I was a wee one (thats right me dad read my bros and me the book when I was 5 years old) BOROMIR- He never listens, He wants the Ring and he throws the shards of Narsil on the floor... He's annoying I'll grant you but if you look at his father (If you don't understand this READ THE BOOKS!) you'll see it's no wonder he turned out like he did. Anyway, if you try to kick his ass he'll call his friends in... so good luck, you'll need it! Which member of the Fellowship (LotR)'s Ass would you like to kick? brought to you by Quizillamuahahaha Skewer the BEAN Faramir & Eowyn - aw, don't we just love you. Faramir's such a nice person. And really, you're both a lot smarter than that stupid Estel and Tinuviel. You just keep standing on that high wall, sweet things. *sigh* Which Lord Of The Rings romance suits you? brought to you by Quizilla Haha awwww... Lord of the Rings... tall, blonde, sexy, smart and DEFINITELY good! You are an elf from Lord of the Rings...Like Legolas you are always ready to protect Middle Earth with your amazing skill with a bow and arrow... GO YOU! What kind of Elf are u? (LotR, HP, TP) brought to you by Quizilla Its true you know that's really wot I look like (well not so mannish but you know wot I mean) Which LOTR Character are you? Quiz by blantoncirith brought to you by Quizilla Pippin Who's your hobbit mate? brought to you by Quizilla Ohh my didnt I get diomond once before hahahaha You're a Stalker Hobbit! You're obsessed with another Hobbit, proud of it and if anybody else tries your ma-oops Hobbit, you'll kill 'em What Hobbit type are you? brought to you by Quizilla sam - aww how sweet...you like em just like sugar...sam is the sweetest of all and is incredibly loyal..hes a bit shy, so youll have to be the first to make a move. dont worry though, hell stay by your side through thick and thin :3 which of the fellowship are you destined to sleep with? brought to you by Quizilla Awww he is just the most kissable (note this does not necessarily mean snoggable) thing ever felt this way for a long time Awwbless! Awwww! You're Sam's Heart. *hug* Which Hobbit Body Part are You? brought to you by Quizilla Awww bless! You're Orlando! Which Hobbit Actor Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Well there ya go Han Ahahaha now ya know why us elves seem to hang out with you wee ones. Your perfect guy is... Pippin Took! He is funny and oh so sweet and adorable! What more could you want? You and he will be holding hands and giggling together over some private little joke, or maybe just nothing at all in particular! But one thing is for sure, you will always be smiling! Who's your perfect guy? (Legolas, Orlando Bloom, Vin Diesel, Pippin, Merry, or Private Todd Blackburn) brought to you by Quizilla your relationship with Orlando Bloom is........ I'm orli's love slave! lucky you! orli enjoys your pleasure,but its not the best of it, he uses you for sex, then ditches you (granted this is not really like him at all) brought to you by Quizilla What Aspect of Orlando Bloom Are You? brought to you by Quizilla What Orlando Bloom are You? brought to you by Quizilla Which guy are you destined to have sex with? brought to you by Quizilla You like Orlando Bloom when he is adventerous How do you like Orlando Bloom? brought to you by Quizilla u love orli aswell ha? ORLANDO BLOOM. anything...just good pics at end. brought to you by Quizillahehehe Frodo-Elijah WHAT KIND OF ELIJAH WOOD ARE YOU??? brought to you by Quizilla Hahahaha Im Frojah Silly Billy Which side of Billy Boyd do YOU dream of? brought to you by Quizillawould Someone like to tell me Wot part of Billay isnt funny You are Mikey Walsh from The Goonies -- a kid (or kid at heart) with an excess of energy and a need for adventure that will lead you to unexpected places, if you only have the patience to find them. Which Sean Astin character are you? brought to you by Quizilla Artistic Viggo What kind of Viggo Mortensen are you? brought to you by QuizillaShocker! I like my men artsy-fartsy and Suicidal! You love the way he's wilde! You can Never get enough of him. Your rent boy is oh so fine and oh so mine (sigh) I mean yours! What sort of Orlando Bloom are you likely to fall in love with? brought to you by Quizilla Gay men are hot! Woohooo! You got the one thing we all want! Orli couldn't resist your charms and here he is putting his shorts back on after your wild love romp. Lucky you! Tell me, what did he say at the big finale? He speaks French you know. I wonder what "OUI! OUI!" sounds like with a British accent?? I'll go away so you and he can relax. Grab him quick, before he gets dressed! How naked would Orli (Orlando Bloom) get for you? brought to you by Quizilla Hahahahaha ahaha ahahah yes that is V funny my ummm hehe Are You A Pirate? www.angelfire.com/rebellion/PiratesKickAss brought to you by Quizilla You are John Silver! Sneaky and tricky are two of your many devious middle names. You are an accomplished planner and live for adventure and the spirit of the moment. Are you a Pirate? brought to you by Quizilla Arr I be Long John Silverfish Avast! Yo ho ho! ARRR, ye be a sexay pirate. Come on down to my cabin and be my first mate! Shiver me timbers! Maybe I'll walk the plank ;) Are You A Sexy Pirate? brought to you by Quizilla muahaha we all knew didnt we. WARNING: There IS such a thing as trying WAY to hard to become a Scurvy Dog... yes, I'm referring to your over enthusiasm about trying to be the "perfect pirate". Drink some Nelson's Folly (like the real pirates do) and try to relax a little more. By the way.. wearing boxers with Jolly Rogers on them IS over doing it. How Piratey Are You brought to you by Quizilla Whos trying ::wink wink:: My Quizzes |